Announcing Dataristix™ Browser Client

We have started development of a new browser client for Dataristix. This will make Dataristix truly multi-platform! As you may know, the Dataristix server portion already runs on multiple platforms.

At this time, the browser client is in an experimental stage, covering Core functionality only (editing tasks or starting, stopping, and monitoring tasks). You cannot configure connector modules with the browser client and need to use the Windows Desktop Client for this purpose.

The browser client is available as a container at Docker Hub; we plan to make the client available for Windows platforms soon.

We welcome any feedback you may have that could help make the browser client better!

The browser client targets modern desktop browsers; use on mobile and touch devices is not recommended at this stage. If you are familiar with the Windows Desktop Client, then you will immediately find your way around the browser client also.

Expect to see continuous updates in the coming months. A feature-complete browser client is scheduled to become available in 2024.

Dataristix Browser Client
Dataristix Browser Client