News (34)

Installing Dataristix as a Browser App

Did you know that your browser may allow installing the Dataristix browser client as an application, complete with task bar icon? Here we'll look at the Microsoft Edge and Google Chrome browsers on Microsoft Windows. Your Microsoft Edge browser window may look like this when you first open the Dataristix…

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Connect to IoT Devices

New! The IoT device connector for Dataristix makes it easy to exchange data with IoT devices available on your Raspberry Pi! Dataristix® is a suite of software modules connecting disparate data sources and data sinks. Learn more about Dataristix. The connector is based on Microsoft's .NET IoT library and so far…

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Dataristix 2 beta

Update: Dataristix 2 is now released! Dataristix 2 is now available as a beta version, and we'd like to invite you to provide any feedback you may have. Please e-mail All comments are welcome! The target date for release is in June with no fixed date set as this…

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Dataristix® New Features

New features in Dataristix 1.1 are now available in the beta channel with release scheduled for the 12th of February. These features mainly aim at improving the REST Connector to be compatible with a wider range of services. The REST connector now supports topics that can be configured to receive…

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Dataristix™ certificate handling notes

This note contains information about the use of certificates in Dataristix and certificate backup strategies for disaster recovery. Various Dataristix connectors use certificates for identification. These certificates do not form part of the project but remain in place when projects are loaded or when a new project is started. This…

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