
Connecting Factory Data

Dataristix is a suite of software modules running on-premises, on the edge, or in the cloud, connecting disparate data sources and data sinks in real-time. 


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Collect your MQTT or OPC UA factory data, communicate with REST services, SOAP Web services, transform data from one database to another, send data back to devices, or simply log to text files, all without coding. Choose from our selection of connector modules to transform and move data to the right place in the right format!

It’s easy to get started with Dataristix. Simply download and try out all available software modules. Mix and match software modules that you need for the most cost-effective solution. If you have any questions on the way, then please contact us. We can take you through the first steps, advise on how to best approach your envisioned solution or discuss what you need to make it work. 

Where does Dataristix fit?


Dataristix is a middleware focusing on moving data to the right place according to your own rules. No programming required. Use the Visual Task Builder and drop in logic to control the data flow or transform data before sending it off to its destination. Dataristix covers everything from simple logging to custom scripted data pipelines.

Visualize data using your own tools, selecting the best tool for the job. For example, use Grafana (see example) to create dashboards based on data stored in a database by Dataristix, or configure Dataristix to generate Excel reports periodically.

Dataristix works on-premises, close to the sources of data, on the edge, and in the cloud, when deployed as a containerized application. Install Dataristix on computers near the factory floor to collect production data from OPC UA or MQTT devices for business level reporting, on the top floor to pre-process data as needed, or somewhere inbetween. No Internet connection is required unless you plan to send data to databases or other services hosted in the cloud. A single Dataristix instance will happily accumulate, aggregate and transform thousands or even tens of thousands of data points, transfer data into your database of choice or hook your spreadsheets up to real-time production data. Add more instances to scale to your needs.


Convenient and Consistent

One of the design goals of Dataristix is consistency and ease of use. All connector modules integrate with the core application in the same way. Where other solutions may require script or text configuration, Dataristix aims at utilizing the graphical user interface while retaining the possibility to use script in data pipelines.


Dataristix supports username / password authentication with token exchange by default and optionally integrates with your OAuth 2.0 provider. Restrict access to users in a number of predefined roles. 

Inform, Automate, Control

With Dataristix, you can finely control how data flows, from device to device or device to storage (or vice versa), using the graphical Task Builder.  You will be able to read from or write to devices using the OPC UA and MQTT connectors and create no-code or low-code tasks that, for example, retrieve recipes stored in a database for batch processing, automate report generation or drive processes. Transfer latest data directly from your production machinery to the business level for up-to-date decision making or feed factory floor data into business systems for further processing or visualisation, including Microsoft® Excel®, Power BI or your preferred OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness) solution.

Send data to task
Sending data from an OPC UA Server to a database

Cascading Dataflow

Handle individual tags or bulk data with ease! Many connectors support generic handling of inputs by accepting any input sent to the connector, thus eliminating the need to define target tags. This includes the various database connectors which optionally create or alter data storage tables on the fly. Use the visual task builder to hook up individual tags or define dataflows for groups of tags at the same time. Expand or collapse tag groups while the task is running.

Cascading dataflow, connect tag collections or tags
Cascading dataflow, connect tag collections or tags

First Class JSON support

Pass JSON objects through the task pipeline or decode and encode within the task dataflow as needed. Simply enter an example of your JSON object as text into the built-in decoder, then access individual properties within the task's dataflow. Optionally use the MQTT and REST connectors to decode JSON at the source and make indidiviual data points within the JSON object directly available as task inputs.

JSON decode
Processing JSON as an object or as individual tags


Modules that communicate with data sources or data sinks are called “Connectors”.  Design data flows from and to connectors using the graphical Task builder. Once a task is started, data flows from input connectors, through optional processors, to output connectors. 

You need at least one connector to transfer data within the same type of data source/data sink (for example, “OPC UA Server” to “OPC UA Server” as an OPC UA data bridge), or at least two connectors to transfer data between different types of data sources/data sinks (for example, “OPC UA Server” to “ODBC database”).

Dataristix has connectors for:

CSV File


Log data to text files. Send data from other connectors for storage into delimiter-separated-value files. Supports various delimiters, text encodings and file rotation. Features...

Platforms: Windows · Docker




Send data received from other connectors via E-Mail. Compose e-mail templates to send values as periodic reports or when triggered. Features...

Platforms: Windows · Docker




Automatically generate reports or copy and paste real-time data links into Microsoft Excel Desktop and receive data from other connectors in real-time. Learn more or see Features...

Platforms: Windows · Docker

Google Sheets

Google Sheets

New. Send data to Google Sheets. Update cells in-place or append data to sheets. Please see the introduction or visit the Google Sheets connector documentation for all the details.

Platforms: Windows · Docker



InfluxDB® databases

The connector for InfluxDb v3.0 is expected to be available in 2025. Send data received from other connectors into InfluxDB time-series databases, on-premises or in the cloud. Features...

Platforms: Windows · Docker


IoT devicess

IoT Devices

Free! Experimental. Exchange data with IoT devices on your single board computers. Commercial licenses are issued at no cost with every purchase. Current customers: Please contact us to claim your free license. See Example.

Platforms: Docker



A fully featured MQTT broker and client to exchange data with other MQTT brokers and clients and with other connectors. Features...

Platforms: Windows · Docker



® databases

Exchange data with MySQL databases. This connector features the same capabilities as the ODBC connector but comes with a built-in client for MySQL databases. Features...

Platforms: Windows · Docker




Log data to databases or read data from databases and exchange data with other connectors. Use with any ODBC database. Optimized for SQL server®, Oracle®, MySQL®, PostgreSQL®, SAP HANA®, IBM DB2® and Microsoft Access® databases. Features...

Platforms: Windows



Connect to OPC UA Servers to exchange data with other connectors. Control processes, log data, use as OPC UA data bridge, and more. Features...

Platforms: Windows · Docker



® databases

Exchange data with Oracle databases. This connector features the same capabilities as the ODBC connector but comes with a built-in client for Oracle databases. Features...

Platforms: Windows · Docker



PostgreSQL® databases

Exchange data with PostgreSQL databases. This connector features the same capabilities as the ODBC connector but comes with a built-in client for Postgresql databases. Features...

Platforms: Windows · Docker

Power BI

Power BI

Visualize data with Power BI. Send data from other connectors to streaming data sets in Microsoft Power BI. Features...

Platforms: Windows · Docker




Communicate with REST API services to receive or send data in JSON format. Features...

Platforms: Windows · Docker




Free! Integrate JavaScript into your data flow to customize data processing. Commercial licenses are issued at no cost with every purchase. Current customers: Please contact us to claim your free license. Features...

Platforms: Windows · Docker



Connect to SOAP Web Services, including SAP® Web Services, to receive or send data from other connectors or execute Web Service methods when triggered. Features...

Platforms: Windows



SQL Server® databases

Exchange data with SQL Server databases. This connector features the same capabilities as the ODBC connector but comes with a built-in client for SQL Server databases. Features...

Platforms: Windows · Docker




Free! Exchange data with SQLite databases. This connector features the same capabilities as the ODBC connector but comes with a built-in client for SQLite.  Commercial licenses are issued at no cost with every purchase. Current customers: Please contact us to claim your free license. Features...

Platforms: Windows · Docker


Please also see our introduction to Dataristix tasks for a more detailed look at core functionality. 


Check out our competitive Dataristix pricing. Buy pre-selected module bundles or buy only the Connectors you need. The Dataristix core application is free, you only pay for Connector modules. Remember, you can trial all connector modules free for 30 days without obligations.

Dataristix is a registered trademark of Rensen Information Services Limited. Docker and the Docker logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Docker, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. Docker, Inc. and other parties may also have trademark rights in other terms used herein. Microsoft, Windows, Access, Excel, Power BI, and SQL Server are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Oracle and MySQL are a registered trademark of Oracle. PostgreSQL is a registered trademark of the PostgreSQL Community Association of Canada. SAP, SAP HANA are registered trademarks of SAP. IBM, IBM DB2 are registered trademarks of IBM. InfluxDB is a trademark of InfluxData. All other product names, trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners.