Dataristix Connector for Google Sheets

Send data to Google Sheets! The new connector for Google Sheets uses the latest Google Sheets API to update spreadsheets by replacing placeholder cells in your spreadsheet with live values originating from other connectors. Live values may originate, for example, from the OPC UA or MQTT connectors.

Append values, substitute values in-place, or place values into cells at a predetermined position relative to the placeholder cell. Dataristix running on-premises requires an outgoing connection to Google Sheets only to share your data with authorized users globally. Dataristix instances at different sites may update the same sheet or different sheets.

Find out more in the Google Sheets connector documentation!

Sending OPC UA data to a new Google Sheet
Sending OPC UA data to a new Google Sheet
OPC UA live values are appended in the new sheet
OPC UA live values are appended in the new sheet